Sunday, June 3, 2007

google gadget reviews

I have been playing with the google gadgets like crazy lately. They are certainly entertaining. Mostly they're the entertainment of the hours-wasted-doing-nothing-but-having-fun-doing-it variety. I have comics, quotes, how-to's, news, and pictures all delivered to my google desktop daily. I even have a notepad and a drawing thingy tucked away somewhere. Oh, and we can't forget the three different clocks - alas, all set to California time - floating around my five-tabs.
I am unhappy to report that google only gives you five tabs to play with and I have yet to find how you add or subtract from those five. Also be ware of any non-google-made gadgets, check out their sources, because adding a virus to your google experience would not be very much fun at all.

Something I do like is that they give you the freedom to make your own gadgets. The only catch is that so far, I have tried three gadgets that were created and published by Joe Normal and not some 'puter guru. Of those three, only one of them has worked on my pages. Not good odds! All of that aside, however, it's not too darn bad for your money's worth. And considering they're *free*, I think you're crazy if you let some one con you in to paying for the gadget. (I'm sure google would have a shizfit if anyone tried that to begin with, but that's besides the point.)

All in all, check them out if you're easily amused like I am. =c)

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