Sunday, June 24, 2007

Yard work and Injuries

The two seem to go hand in hand. While out doors mixing mortar for a supporting wall, I twisted my ankle - badly - about two years ago and the injury never healed. It turned out that it had been broken in a small inconspicuous manner, so I have been babying the ankle along for the past six months since discovering that. It was doing famously, finally healing and beginning, after two long years, to look and act once again like an ankle should.

And then. I tried to assist with the yard work. Do-It-Yourself is an awesome movement that hearkens back to the American dream, to the cries of "Westward-Ho!" and the pioneers. We settle the land, we work with it, we ultimately control it and make it our own. Weekend-Warriors of the Bob Vila variety. But, for godsakes, when every time you try it and the earth beneath your feet seems to crack open in an attempt to swallow a part of your anatomy, it all becomes quite clear. Some people were meant for apartment-dwelling and public parks. I'm apparently one of them.

That being said... we have conquered! We have a paved patio. By this time next weekend, we will have a poor-man's outdoor-kitchen! Time to dust off the BBQ cookbooks!

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